Tuesday 20 December 2016

Why Choosing Kaivalya Yoga School to Learn Yoga will be the Best Decision of Your Life!

"Your life is a sacred journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path... exactly where you are meant to be right now... And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love." ~ by Caroline Adams
I can live by every word that is mentioned in the quote above. Life is what we make of it and when we practice getting connected with the divine presence then a magnificent journey begins to unfold which rolls out a series of miracles, leaving us awestruck towards the wonder that life is.

Something similar happened to me when I began my journey of Yoga in a small but one of the most spiritual cities in India, based on the lap of The Great Himalayas. Little did I know before the onset of my journey to Rishikesh that my life was going to change forever, and of course for good.

If you are thinking of learning Yoga in India then continue reading this post, I have left a part of  my heart in Rishikesh because of the warmth and the love, Kaivalya Yoga School filled my heart with.

My heart is brimming with joy and my soul is embracing the glory I experienced at Kaivalya Yoga School.

Every teacher pours their heart out while communicating the lessons of Yoga and as they say that “Best teachers teaches from the heart and not from the book”, I can now vouch for the truth this quote beholds.

At Kaivalya Yoga School, I understood the real meaning of Yoga and was able to articulate that how yoga helps in changing lives, Yoga is a journey and not merely a form of exercise. I was taught the most traditional form of Yoga which the sages have transformed to the modern day Gurus and the best part about the training was that the teachers at Kaivalya Yoga School are not only willing to share the well of knowledge they are sitting on but are also helping the students in becoming more mindful and enlightened.

If you want to leave the world by making it a little better place to live in, then learn Yoga which is not twisted or distorted to suit the modern day scenario but is taught the way it was some 200 years back. If each one of us practices Yoga the way they teach in Kaivalya Yoga School then I am sure we will leave behind a more happy, healthy and peaceful world.

Monday 5 December 2016

OMG! The Best Relaxation, Meditation Technique Ever!

"If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath."
- Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation Mental balance and placidness might be realized by the annihilation of stress and outrage. “If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” – George Burns
Fear truly underlies both stress and outrage. Nothing is picked up by stress and outrage, however on the opposite much vitality is squandered by these two sorts of lower feelings. On the off chance that a man who worries much and is bad tempered, is actually not living in the present and is thinking too much all the time. Be cautious and insightful. All pointless stresses can be evaded. The unwinding of the muscles responds on the brain and conveys rest to the psyche. The unwinding of the brain conveys rest to the body too. Body and brain are personally associated. Body is a form arranged by the psyche for its delight.
“Doing something positive will help turn your mood around. When you smile, your body relaxes. When you experience human touch and interaction, it eases tension in your body.”
― Simone Elkeles, Return to Paradise
Sit for 15 minutes in a casual and simple agreeable position. Close your eyes. Pull back the brain from outside items. Still the psyche. Hush the percolating considerations. Surmise that the body is like a coconut shell and you are completely not quite the same as the body.
Believe that the body is an instrument in your grasp. Recognize yourself with the all-swarming Spirit or Atman. Envision that the entire world and your body are drifting like a bit of straw in this boundless sea of Spirit. Feel that you are in contact with the Supreme Being. Feel that the life of the entire world is throbbing, vibrating also, throbbing through you. Feel that the sea of life is tenderly shaking you on its boundless chest. At this point open your eyes. You will encounter gigantic mental peace, mental force and mental quality. 
To know more about meditation please follow us at http://kaivalyayogaschool.com/

Thursday 1 December 2016

All is OM - Hari Om.

The whole universe is the syllable Om.
Everything that was, is, or will be is, in truth Om. All else which transcends time, space, and causation is also Om
 ~ Mandukya Upanishad

Watch Video on Yoga Nidra for Peaceful Sleep

Watch Video on Yoga Nidra at Kaivalya Yoga School. Yoga Nidra is a special relaxation technique which has a deep effect on the body, the energies and the mind. Visit http://kaivalyayogaschool.com

Bakasana Crane Yoga Pose

Bakasana or the Crane pose is a balancing asana that aids concentration, balance and nervous coordination. This asana strengthens the back, hip and leg muscles, improves blood circulation and gives a beneficial compression to the abdominal organs. Watch and learn bakasana, crane yoga pose through videos by Kaivalya Yoga School.

Paschimottana Asana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

Paschimottan means fully stretched spine. In this asana, the back will be stretched completely to bend forward, so it is called Paschimottana. This asana plays an important role in reducing obesity and pot belly. By doing this asana, the spinal cord will become more flexible. For women, it corrects irregular menstruation and cures all the diseases relating to monthly periods

Student review: 200 hrs Yoga TTC

We love to teach you Yoga, We love to spread the light of knowledge of yoga for beginners.
Everybody who learnt in Kaivalyayoga School, Give us some review, We like to show you.

Why should you choose career as Yoga Teacher?

We all are born in this world with a purpose. And this purpose is closely linked with helping one another. All religious scriptures teach us to ‘love thy neighbour’. Choosing a career in Yoga helps you to achieve this. Through Yoga you help yourself first, you heal yourself first. And exactly this is why Yoga is the best way to fulfill your life purpose. A Happy & Healthy individual can do anything, even change the world. A Yoga teacher brings Yoga in the lives of fellow humans and helps them live life in a different way, without stress. This is a high virtue job. The more lives you impact, the happier & more fulfilled you feel.
Why should you choose career as Yoga Teacher?
A Yoga teacher gets to meet so many new people, each with their own stories. It is an exciting work prospect for any human being. We human beings are ‘Social Animals’, right?
This is why, the career of Yoga Teacher has a high potential of Self-Growth and Self-Development. An individual is a sum of its experiences. The more people you meet, the more stories you hear, the more you learn about them & consequently, yourself.
Yoga Teacher
The world is awakening. More & more people are gravitating towards Spiritual practices like Yoga. Worldwide, new Yoga Studios & Yoga Schools are opening up to initiate youngsters & senior citizens into Yoga. Consequently, there is a need for a large number of well-trained Yoga teachers. Doesn’t this give rise to the possibility of a career in Yoga being satisfying income wise?
To sum it all up in one line, the career of a Yoga teacher is one that is spiritually as well as socially uplifting. We at Kaivalya Yoga School is trying to achieve the same level where we can uplift the true meaning of Yoga & Guru.
Wait for yet an Interesting post on another topic which we would choose just for you, if you want to know the importance of detox yoga, just stay tuned with us.

Importance of Detox Yoga

To begin with, let us understand what Detox Yoga is. Detox yoga includes Yogic techniques to cleanse the body, mind & soul of the toxins accumulated through air, food, water & thoughts.
We are born with a cleansed body after living on a liquid diet for 9 months. Over the years, we accumulate a lot of toxins in our body & mind from the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink and the thoughts we think. These toxins translate into diseases and illnesses in our physical and energy bodies.
  • In order to achieve freedom from these toxins, detoxification is required whereby a proper diet and body exercise through Yoga movements purge out the toxins.
  • Detox Yoga targets the three body systems that are predominantly responsible for purging out toxins from the body – the digestive, circulatory & lymph systems.
  1. The digestive system digests the food we eat, absorbs the nutrients and eliminates the toxins as solid wastes.
  2. The circulatory system circulates blood & oxygen throughout the body & eliminates cellular wastes.
  3. The lymph system moves fluids & minerals all over the body & eliminates extra fluid & nutrients.
Through a combination of Yogasanas & Yogic Breathing, Detox Yoga brings the body into equilibrium and this helps eliminate the unwanted toxic waste products from the body.
When the body is balanced, toxins and harmful microorganisms cannot survive within it. Due to the beneficial effects of Yoga techniques on the mind, the thoughts are also cleansed, clarified and concentrated.
Detox Yoga is therefore, a holistic approach towards eliminating toxins from the mind & body. With the mind & body in equilibrium, can the soul stay behind?
I hope & wish that you might have liked this very interesting yet informative blog, so just stay tuned for one of the very one of its kind of topic, that is How to do Detox Yoga with amazing video. so that you can do it very easily at home. We will explain there
  • Proper alignment
  • How to start?
  • How to take Position?
  • How to come out from that position?
Join us to learn detox Yoga With proper position.

Why & How to do Detoxification?

Now days in our busy running life, everybody is getting trapped in a habit of wrong eating habits. We love eating mouth-watering street foods or fast foods whenever we are out or at home with our friends or family members, aren’t we? But we never think how these mouth-watering food habits are affecting our body. These foods habits are not only packing us on pounds they are making our body internally weak as well which we don’t even realise while eating.
I don’t say that you should completely avoid these food, everyone like eating outside food and I love too. But while eating outside you should always check that the place from where you are eating is maintaining proper hygiene and you are detoxifying your body as well. Hygiene is the word which everyone is aware of but detoxification? Do you know what is it and why it is important for our body? Let me take you to the depth of it.
Whats is Detoxification?
Detoxification is the process of cleaning the impurities from the blood which are in the form of toxins stored and processed in our internal organs. Our body takes in lot of pollutants through our skin, air and unhealthy foods. Our body organs are designed in a way that they release the pollutants from our body with the help of kidney, lever, lungs etc. Pollutants comes out of our body in the form of sweat also, hence it is said that we should drink at least 2-4 litres of water every day which helps us to flush out all the toxins from our body.
Why we should do detoxification-
Let me also bring forward some of the key benefits we see by detoxification on our body –
1) Internal Organs - This process helps to do complete body cleanse which make our internal organs like kidney, liver, intestines, bowel movement, colon to function properly.
2) Healthier Skin - It makes our skin healthy which results in much brighter and clearer skin which helps you to get rid of acne prone skin. It is anti-ageing, which makes you look much younger.
3) Energy Boost - It gives you a new level of energy to your body and increases your metabolism which keeps you active all through the day.
4) Weight Loss - The biggest problem which everyone is facing these days is obesity and this process is the best way to remove all impurities and shed extra pounds from our body.
5) Immune System - If internal organs in your body are functioning properly and able to absorb nutrients properly from your intake, it automatically makes your immune system strong which keeps you away from the diseases in longer term.
Other than the above mentioned key benefits there are many other benefits which keep us healthy with this process like mental peace, healthier hairs, lighter feeling, life style change, positive and clearer thinking, improved digestion etc.
By now I think you must have understood that this method of “Detoxification” can do wonders to our body but all you need is dedication for it. Now again a question arise here is how can we avail all the above mentioned benefits and how is the detoxification done?
How to do Detoxification
Shatkarma detoxification
Other than the proper water intake, regular physical exercise or daily yoga practice is another form which helps us to detoxify our body. Yoga is known as one of the best exercise which you can include in your daily routine. Yoga does not only known as exercise it’s kind of meditation which pulls out the mental stress out of your body and generates happy vibes inside the body. 
Yoga is the best exercise which creates harmony within our body, soul and mind. Yoga helps to your body to remove the toxins in natural and effective way. You all must be wondering how this can be done only by performing few postures of yoga. Actually, the power of breathe which everyone has, can help one to detoxify the body pollutants.
Pranayama which means control on your life force, is the most powerful breathing exercise and also a type of meditation which helps to breathe out the toxins which has built in our system over the period of time. Pranayama like Kapal Bhati, Anulom Vilom, Bhastrika are some of rhythmic breathing exercise which helps our internal body organs to work in much effective way which detoxify the body in natural in way and also helps in building our stamina, immune system and mental strength. 
Yoga aasans which includes various stretching and meditative positions are also known for their health benefits. Poses like Trikonasana, Paschimottasana, Utrasana are best known for relieving from digestive problems and the poses Pavanmuktasana and Matsyendrasana are known for the gastrointestinal problems.
Pranayama and yoga asanas both together can bring you with all round fitness, loss of extra pounds on body, mental peace, patience, better immunity, positive attitude towards life, improved flexibility, good posture, high energy level, natural glow, harmony among body, mind and soul and many other benefits. Yoga is not restricted at home only it can be done while travelling, in office or at vacations
You just need carry a light weighted yoga mat with you or if you can’t carry it or you are short of space to move your arms or legs you can perform the breathing exercises on your seat. Yoga is best known for relaxing your body and mind which keeps you fit during the journey.
Including 20 minutes to 1 hour yoga session in an effective way, evolving good eating habits, taking proper sleep, in-take of enough fluids, including fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet etc. can help in best detoxification to your body. Once you are in the habit of healthy living you can’t stay away from yoga even for a single day. 
For better results, one should involve themselves in yoga practice on daily basis. Yoga is known as the never-ending process, the deeper you go in to the practice, the best benefits you can find out of it along with best of yourself.
Wish you a healthy life… Happy Practicing and cleansing!!!

I hope you are enjoying my posts & articles, for some more Interesting, please be stay tuned with me for very important  topic- Yoga for Pregnant Women.

Yoga and Meditation - What is the difference?

Most of us, fail to understand the vast difference between Yoga and Meditation. What we consider many times is that meditation is yoga. However, this is a complete wrong understanding. For all those who fail to understand or aren’t aware about this difference, let us help you by giving a brief understanding about these two terms.

So beginning with Yoga. This is an ancient tradition that has been practiced since many years. Derived from a Sanskrit word, Yoga means Union. It is a connection between the soul of an individual and God or you say Spirit. Yoga is an art to achieve this state of union.
Difference between yoga & meditation
If one wants to achieve this union, he must follow the eight limbs of Yoga. These are the basics of Yoga to achieve union. They are as follows:
  1. Yama or the Do’s that once is expected to follow.
  2. Niyama or the Don’ts are the things that an individual is restricted from doing
  3. Asanas or Positions: if one wishes to achieve the union, one must be aware about the various asanas in Yoga.
  4. Pranayama or control of breath must be practiced every day.
  5. Pratyahara or Sense withdrawal is not getting affected by any internal or external influences
  6. Dharana or Concentration is a must to achieve union.
  7. Dhyana or Meditation is gaining awareness
  8. Samadhi or Spiritual Ecstasy is achieved through Dhyana or Meditation
Now the seventh limb of Yoga, Dhyana is Meditation. Yes, meditation is a part of Yoga. Meditation is a state of awareness and mindfulness. It is practised to help you bring a control to your body, mind and thoughts, to calm and relax your body and to help you control your breathing. It is achieved when your mind is serene and free from any kind of agitation.

Yoga for pregnant woman

Pregnancy is a major life event in any women’s life. It transforms her physically, mentally, spiritually & socially. The nine months of pregnancy are accompanied by a roller coaster ride of hormones & emotions for a woman.

In addition, due to the accompanying changes in her body, she brings about many lifestyle changes at a personal & familial level. Yogasanas & Pranayamas prove to be beneficial for pregnant women as they help her cope with the mental & Physical transformation that pregnancy ensues. They also help a woman in preparation to endure the pain associated with childbirth. Some of the Yoga practices that can prove beneficial for pregnant women are as follows.
Yoga for pregnant woman

1. Sukhasana: Also known as the easy-sitting pose, Sukhasana entails sitting on the ground with legs stretched out followed by gradually folding & tucking the left leg inside the right thigh & the right leg inside the left thigh. Keeping the spine erect & hands in your lap, deep relaxing breaths can be taken to calm the mind. It is a comfortable pose and useful while performing pranayamas & meditation. It is also useful for meditators who due to stiffness in hips cannot sit in Padmasana.

2. Butterfly Pose (Ardha Titali Aasan &Poorna Titali Aasan): The butterfly is a very comfortable and useful pose for pregnancy. It prepares the woman for delivery.
Butterfly Pose

The Ardha titali Aasan or the half butterfly pose can be done by stretching out your feet in any sitting posture, slowly bending one of the feet & gently resting it on the other thigh. This is followed by gently raising the knee towards the chest and lowering it towards the floor to the lowest possible distance.
The Poorna titali Aasana or the full butterfly pose can be done by outstretching feet in a sitting position. Keeping the spine straight, bend the knees gently in a way that feet are togehter. Then, bring the soles of the feet together and join them. Comfortably, attempt to bring the soles close to the groin. Holding your feet with both hands, make sure that the knees are pointing at the opposite direction. Then, press the knees slowly towards the floor. you can comfortably continue your practice. Ensure that you are pressing your knees softly. Do not make any sudden and harsh movements. Touching the floor is not essential, ensure your safety & comfort at all times. Then, slowly press your knees up and repeat again.
3. Neck exercises: Neck exercises can help relieve the additional stress on the neck due to the increased body weight during pregnancy. To perform a neck stretch, sit up straight in a supportive chair. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, then gently tilt your head to one side and let it slowly drop toward your shoulder. Raise the shoulders to meet the head is not required. Holding for three to six seconds, switch sides. Repeat three or four times. Gently bring your head forward, letting the chin relax on the chest. Roll the cheek to the right toward the shoulder, without any force and hold for three to six seconds. Switch sides and repeat.
Neck exercise for pregnant woman

4. Ujjayi Breathing: Also called “the psychic breathing”, this Pranayamas practice is useful in increasing the length of your breathing . To breathe using Ujjayi, breathe in and out deeply through the nose.When you breathe in, contract your glottis muscles and there will be a hissing sound. As you breathe out, release the contracted glottis muscles.
Ujjayi breathing

5. Bhramari Pranayama: Practice of the Bhramari Pranayama during pregnancy strengthens the endocrine system and aids in childbirth. To perform Bhramari Pranayama during pregnancy, sit in the Sukhasana, close the eyes and breathe deeply. Next, close the ears lid or flaps with the thumbs. Place the index fingers on your eyes, middle fingers at the sides of your nostrils, ring fingers just above the upper lip and the little fingers just below the lower lip.
The inhalation and exhalation will be through the nose , concentrate the mind in the third eye area between your eyebrows. When you exhale, keep the mouth closed and breathe out through the nose while making a humming sound of honeybee. While performing this Pranayama, experience being connected to all the positive energies of the universe.
Bhramari Pranayama

The inhalation and exhalation will be through the nose , concentrate the mind in the third eye area between your eyebrows. When you exhale, keep the mouth closed and breathe out through the nose while making a humming sound of honeybee. While performing this Pranayama, experience being connected to all the positive energies of the universe.
6. Cat Pose: This pose helps relieve back pain during pregnancy. To perform it sit on your hips and place hands directly under the shoulders. While inhaling look up between the eyebrows, while gently raising the head. While exhaling, round the back bringing the chin towards the chest. Press the hands on the floor and push the centre of the back towards the ceiling enhancing the roundness of the back.
Cat Pose

7. Mountain Pose: The mountain pose helps to maintain the posture & in concentration during pregnancy. Stand with your feet hips distance apart on the ground (this can be assumed by placing the two fists between the feet). Place the feet so that the outer edges are parallel. Feel your feet support your body. Stand with the pelvis slightly tucked so that there is a slight engagement in your belly, and avoid sticking your bottoms out (thereby putting strain on your lower back).

Imagine the two shoulder blades reaching towards one another on the back, creating strength in your upper back as well as opening up the chest. Align the head by holding the chin parallel to the floor and slightly back to create one straight line moving from your back all the way up through your neck. Let the arms come down by the sides, palms facing inward, or reach your arms up to the sky (if it’s comfortable) for extra strength and power.
In addition, yogasanas & pranayamas like Trikonasana, Veerbhadrasana, Shavasana, YogNidra and Anuloma- Viloma can also be practiced during meditation. Yoga is a great way to balance the stress in the body & mind and help a woman cope with all the changes that pregnancy entails. The practice of Yoga also strengthens &prepares a woman for child birth.
In the end, I would like to advice, that always do yoga in the presence of a certified yoga instructor or first learn properly under the guidance of a competent teacher & then you can do it yourself as well.